Which make it the rarest item in the market and players would buy it for the very hight amount.īig Love Rocket is holding-specific item and you can only get it near valentine’s day adjacent event known as “Love is in the Air”. Now only those warlocks can summon the boss who did quest back then and even then there is no guarantee that you will get the Xorothian Firestick as its drop drate is quite low. You can get this item from Dire Maul but the problem is only warlocks can summon him and this boss was part of the quest chain for the warlock mount which was removed many years ago. Xorothian Firestick is incredibly rare gun which sells for a very high price in the auction market. These items are very rare and they go for almost 999,999 WoW Gold. Some of the most popular cards are Swift Spectral Tiger, The Magic Rooster, and The X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME. There are also some rare items from World of Warcraft’s Trading Card Game loot cards which are very popular due to their unique look. Some players also speculate that it even changes realm during its flight which makes it almost impossible to track and if you get your hand on one of these mounts then you can sell them for a very high price. It has multiple spawning locations and it is almost impossible to find a single spot. Time-Lost Proto Drake a very rare flying mount which is incredibly difficult to find. Now, this item has very demand in the market and players happily pay a good amount for this unique item. However, it started getting popularity after Cataclysm expansion when Brawler’s harness was retired. Brawler’s Harnessīrawler’s Harness is basically leather-strapped shirt which was used to gifted on spawning without spending money or anything. You will find these battle mounts in the auction market where they sell for thousands of Gold.

Red Qiraji Battle tanks are rarer than the rest of the three variants.

Qiraj Battle Tank comes with 4 different colors, Blue Qiraji Battle Tank, Green Qiraji Battle Tank, Yellow Qiraji Battle Tank and Red Qiraji Battle Tank. It was so rare that you could only get it within 24 hours of the gong at Ahn-Qiraj being opened and you also had to finish the long quest line before it was rung. Qiraji battle tank Mounts are considered few of the rarest items in World of Warcraft.